Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lost art of the group ride

Lost art of the group ride

"...The group will surge, gap, and separate, only to regroup at every stop sign. I’ll hear fifteen repeated screams of “HOLE!” for every minor road imperfection. And then no mention of the actual hole. Some guy in front will set a PR for his 30 second pull. Wheels overlap, brakes are tapped, and some guy in the back will go across the yellow line and speed past the peloton for no apparent reason. A breakaway?!..."

This article should be required reading for every single person joining a bicycling club AND for each time that membership is renewed. It's about safety, respect and responsibility in ascending order. When we don't ride responsibly, we don't earn respect and everyone's safety is put at risk.

We're willing to go on and on when cars screw up; we should clean up our own habits too!